Water Pipeline Call Before Digging Sign
This underground utility marking sign with CAUTION WATER PIPELINE BEFORE DIGGING OR IN AN EMERGENCY CALL custom name and phone number message and No Digging symbol includes your company name and phone number to help prevent unsafe digging around buried utility lines.
• Utility / construction safety sign with Call Before Digging message is directly printed in bold color with a yellow background.
• Available on 0.080-in. aluminum or polyethylene plastic material.
• Rectangle buried utility safety sign has 3/8-in. mounting holes centered at top and bottom, inset 1 inch from edge for easy mounting on a post or other surface.
• Sign is UV, chemical, abrasion and moisture resistant.
• Printed with UV stable ink and suitable for use at temperatures from -40 F to +180 F
• For more detailed information on construction, please review the Product Data Bulletins tab.• Order all your utility / construction safe digging signs at ComplianceSigns.com.
• Visit our Accessories page for mounting posts and fasteners.