Reflective Federal MUTCD W11-2 Pedestrian Crossing Symbol Sign
SKU: CS321646
Product details
Mounting option
Surface / Post Mount
Graphic Symbol [Pedestrian Crossing]
Federal MUTCD W11-2 Reflective Pedestrian Crossing Symbol Sign with 3 Material Options
Reflective roadway signs safely direct vehicle and pedestrian traffic in and around parking areas, loading dock areas and roadways. This sign meets MUTCD standards. Select the correct material for your application and use.
- Made of durable, rust-free .080 in. aluminum.
- UV-resistant inks prevent fading from long-term outdoor use.
- Includes clear UV-protective coating and 3/8 in. post-mount holes.
Material Options:
- Engineer-Grade Prismatic Reflective provides visibility in low-light conditions. Meets ASTM D 4956 Type I.
- High-Intensity Prismatic Reflective provides added visibility in low-light conditions - three times brighter than Engineer-Grade Prismatic Reflective. Complies with MUTCD regulation for traffic signs on all roads open to public traffic. Meets ASTM D 4956, Type III, Type IV and Type X.
- DG High-Prism Reflective provides superior visibility in any environment - over ten times brighter than Engineer-Grade Prismatic Reflective. Meets ASTM Type IX.
(Select material and size above)
This sign is specified by the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) of the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) US Department of Transportation - national standard as law governing traffic control devices for roadway uniformity.
Click Add To Cart to order this reflective Pedestrian Crossing Symbol yellow-orange sign today.